New to forums and new build


Nov 15, 2017
I was talking with Dave Bruno about building a new deer/long range rifle. He built a 22-250 for pdog shooting that shoots great, so I'm hitting him up again. I was thinking 6.5 rem mag and he advised "if you want to go magnum, look at 6.5 SAUM". Here we go...
I'll tell you what I'm thinking and I'll listen to any advice.
I bought a rem 700 SS in 300 WSM for the reciever and bolt. Selling the rest. Manners H2, Bartlien 2b with 8" twist. Going to be a carry gun so I don't want to go heavier contour if I don't have to. Barrel finished to 24" with a brake. Timney Calvin elite. Going to have Dave square the action, add pillars and bed as well as adding a bigger recoil lug. Same things that he did with my 250.
Going to load 130-140 GR range using Hornady brass and Whidden dies. Can I use the factory magazine box that will accommodate 2.825" COAL? I guess I'll have to talk to Dave about the reamer and free bore to figure that out.
Anyway... that's the plan. I like the site. Good info! Mike
Welcome to LRH.
Sounds like you have a solid plan for your carry/hunting rifle. I have no experience with the SAUM case but there's probably plenty of members on here who do. The 6.5 is a lot popular now that what it was 10-15 years ago. Think there's a new one coming out called the 6.5 PRC (Precision Rifle Cartridge), haven't heard much about it yet. I think there's also a 6.5 Sherman Short based on the SAUM case. Do some searching and you more than likely will find something that'll tickle your fancy. Not trying to talk you out of your plan, just a heads up. Again, welcome. JohnnyK.
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