New stock problems - how to shrink these groups?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
Howdy all,

I'm shooting 140 Hornadys out of a 264 Win Mag Sendero II. With the original bedded HS stock, I was getting 1/2" groups. Trouble is, I've always hated HS palm swells. Two days ago, I changed stocks going to a Bell and Carlson M40. I went from 1/2" groups to about 2" groups! The barrel is still free floating, the lugs are tightened to 30"/lbs, haven't had it bedded. Floorplate opens and closes ok so it's not binding. I need some opinions as to where to start to get the groups back down. Please advise.

Many thanks, in advance, for your help.
I hope you torqued them in 30in lbs not ft
I would just re-test loads for it. Different stocks, different pressure points on the action causing it to twist the action. It would change if it were swapped out for the same style HS stock from a different rifle. (IMO)
I'd suggest you do a proper inlet/bedding job, or put it back and see if you can get back to where you started.

I wouldn't even think about load workup until it's bedded.

-- richard
Just saw your post about changing stocks and opening up your groups. I have changed out all the H-S stocks on my senderos to B&C. I started at 50 in/lbs on both bedding screws, and sat down with factory federal premium ammo with 3 shot groups. After each group I'll tighten the front screw 1 in/lb until the groups turn in to one ragged hole. After I get as tight a group as I can, then I can tune my hand load from there. Be sure you write down your final torque settings down for future reference. Hope this helps.

Aim small- hit small
Install your old stock and regroup you shots. Maybe its not the new stock.

Then try all the other things the guys are saying.

Bedding, torque, new load, etc.

Good Luck

If the barrel channel is larger than the barrel contour and inletted properly...

As far as the BC stock would try it without the magazine in and single shoot it. Sometimes not everyone inlets the same depth for the magazines. Can bind action.. Just a thought. Also measure depth of lug and make sure the bottom of the lug is not hitting stock. Good luck

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