New sig 5 - 30 x 56 lr scope w/level


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
Mojave Desert, Nevada
SIG has just come out with a nice 5 - 30 x 56 scope and I have a feeling Kahles makes it for them B/C it's in the $3,000 MSRP range and has a lot of Kahles' "looks".

BUT the real good news here is that this new SIG scope has a "digital level" inside the scope. At each end of the horizontal crosshair is a triangle (>-------------I------------<) and the low end lights up if your scope is 0.5 Degrees or more off level. It's called the LevelPlex Digital Anti-Cant system.
Now 1/2 degree ain't much but at extreme ranges more than that could easily spell a missed shot even with "Minute Of Elk", especially if your scope crosshairs are much more than 1 inch above your barrel bore.

So finally we have a scope with a level inside the scope that isn't a bubble level and IS where you can instantly see it if you are off level.
I SO want this in a scope. Hope other scope manufacturers make it under license, kinda like the Horus H59 reticle is in my Bushnell ERS scope.

Eric B.
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