New scope, moving into the modern age


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2003
North Dakota
I'm getting ready to move back into the 21st century and trying to decide if I should stick with Swarovski or go with Zeiss. I currently use a Bushnell Scopechief (sold the 45/70 levergun. ) but have owned Swarovski and S&B....sold them along with rifles I never got used to.

I will/am hunting in pretty much open terrain but hope to chase elk in semi-forested areas. Thus, I am looking at 3x9x42-50 scopes.

What are your thoughts for glass on a 7mm BAR?
SWFA 3-9×42 SS scope. Or the 3-15 . Both are mil/mil with 32 milsiirc total elevation. Good glass brutally tough.
The 3-9 has a fixed Parralax.
600$ for the 3-9 700$ for the 3-15. And they can easily take the forward recoil pulse from semi autos
Are you using them currently? If so, where is the glass made? What is it that you like about them?

At the moment I'm using the fixed power SWFA SS mil dot scope 10×42 . When I up grade it will be to the 3-9×42 SWFA MQ. They are made in Japan with Japanese glass. 30 mm tubes. Garrenteed to fully function to -50°F which is important to me. Only NightForce has a colder rating. But a lot of NF scopes that have features ect that I want are 2 nd focal plane. All SWFA scopes are FFP.
Since I just spent my custom rifle/ real nice scope money on a new 650 Arctic Cat 4 wheeler. I have to wait a while for a new scope.
In that magnification range/objective size I'd give Kahles and Leica some serious consideration. Chris or Jay at Sport Optics are great guys and will answer any questions you may have.
Still doing my research, what do folks think about the Nikon Monarch 3? Oh and by the way, the dales rep at the LGS this morning dropped a Zeis Conquest from 6feet as I was looking at survived. Irregardless, the glass was not as crisp as the Nikon or Swarovski.
Have you checked out the SWFA scopes. . Their drop tests are 10' on to concrete at below zero temps. Mounted on a rifle and landing on the scope. Then they must still track and hold zero perfectly. All for 600$ .
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