Another vote for the G7. Pretty new to me and I don't have the inputs perfected yet, but when I do I think it will be very hard to beat. One thing that I'm noticing, you'll probably have to adjust your G7 BC and MV from what you think they are. I'm using 180 hybrids with a .345 G7 bc and a MV of 2,826 checked with a Magneeto, but when using those inputs my drops aren't exact. Actually they are far enough off to miss a 15"x15" plate at 870. What I did was wrote down the solution it gave me at 870, corrected to what got me where it needed to be. I did that at 870, 600, and 400 and then plugged the information into the gseven calculator and started adjusting the numbers. After playing with it, it looks like an actual MV of 2,755 and G7 BC of .339 is going to be very close (not quite perfect, but close). I haven't got back out and tried it again with the new numbers, but will be soon. You'll just have to play with it and tweak it to get it exact.