New plumbing tool!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2008
Central Pennsylvania
So I clogged my kitchen sink trying a home recipe I found on line or something. You dump baking soda down the drain, then chase it with vinegar. So I did that, but my baking soda ratio was off!
Hence the clogged sink. So I try the plunger and come to find out that the plunger is dry rotted and squirting water back on me. So I think to my self, "I need a snake of some kind." Great idea, but I don't own one. So I go down stairs and just start looking around. I have a hodge podge of items, surely there would be something. I look on the reloading bench and see the answer to my question. I got a cable action lock with my savage. I unlock it and realize that it is long enough, and stiff enough to break the debris in the drain. So I take it up stairs and it works like a charm. I don't use it for anything else, soooo... now I have a new plumbing tool!
I'll have to thank Savage!

Tank OUT!
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