New Member from Upstate NY


Dec 17, 2007
Upstate NY
Hello everybody. I guess I should introduce myself. I am 29 years old, married with 3 girls and a boy. I enjoy shooting, hunting and fly fishing and I am just getting introduced into the long range shooting game so forgive my endless questions that I will no doubt have and have probably already been answered. I served a short time in the Marine Corps before breaking my wrist severly enough to get a bone graft and pins and screws added to my honorable discharge. I have been out for 8 years now and still have the itch now and then to get back in until my wife points out that I would probably get another divorce if I did! I trim cow hooves and will be taking over my dad's buisness by this summer.
I have always had an interest in long range shooting. My longest kill is at 512 yards on a woodchuck with a "300 dollar throw-away-gun" as my friends like to call it. Now that I will be making some decent money I was looking into shooting in some long range matches and honing up on some shooting skills because some of the farms that I hunt you can not enter without the deer knowing that you are there so you are left with 600-800 yard shots. I figured I should learn some stuff first before I started flinging lead down range. Thanks in advance for all the advice and critiscism and i look forward to hearing from you all.
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