New Guy from TN


New Member
Jul 28, 2013
Well, this was an interesting website I came upon looking for information on chronographs... I was at the range today shooting some of my new loads and did not get the results I was expecting.... was just bouncing around... this site looked great so I registered..... I shoot about once a month and do my own reloading.... long story on how I got into it... but.... later over a beer.... My new dog's name is Rusty Ann.... hence the userid..... so I am interested in shooting, long distance shooting, reloading, and fishing.... just got back from the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in June... Great Fishing.... Later gun)
Thanks for the reason for the handle. Had me worried for a bit.

Welcome aboard.

It's a fun place. Just don't pay too much attention to my posts.. .. .. :rolleyes:
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