New guy checking in from SD


New Member
Jun 21, 2020
South Dakota

Just joined the forum. I'm from South Dakota. I'm a Battalion Chief for the fire department that I work for. Army veteran (82nd Airborne Infantry Sergeant). Avid hunter and gun enthusiast. Like to ride ATVs and motorcycles, read, watch movies and hike with my dog. I recently got a great deal on a Bergara HMR in 300 Win Mag. I've owned a few different 300 Win Mags in the past, but it has been awhile. Looking to do some long range antelope and prairie deer hunting with it, hopefully this fall. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
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Just joined the forum. I'm from South Dakota. I'm a Battalion Chief for the fire department that I work for. Army veteran (82nd Airborne Infantry Sergeant). Avid hunter and gun enthusiast. Like to ride ATVs and motorcycles, read, watch movies and hike with my dog. I recently got a great deal on a Bergara HMR in 300 Win Mag. I've owned a few different 300 Win Mags in the past, but it has been awhile. Looking to do some long range antelope and prairie deer hunting with it, hopefully this fall. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
Welcome to the forum from southern middle Tennessee
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