New from Georgia


Jun 28, 2020
I have been lurking here for awhile, plus several other forums, and have really enjoyed the banter and the knowledge. Brief description would be a "Hunter who shoots" so I've never come close to shooting out a barrel. Although I'm not really a long-range hunter/shooter, I really like the conversations regarding equipment and reloading techniques. I've been reloading since the early 70's but since my shooting is basically short range(less than 500 yards) I don't get into as much detail as others. Grew up in the 60's as a Quail hunter, when there were wild birds for the average person, and started deer hunting in 1972. Primarily hunt in South Georgia now where there are some heavy deer and shots are from 25 to 450 yards down shooting lanes. Lot of hogs and coyotes too. Years ago, I had an old timer in Montana tell me I wasn't a hand loader, I was an "Assembler", LOL, but I do know a little more now. Certainly don't know it all. I load for 30.06AI, 7RM, 300WM, 280REM, 338WM, 280AI, 7STW, 270WEA, 338/280AI, 708REM, 6.5X284N, 44MAG, 454C, 45C.
Thanks for this opportunity! I might chime in from time to time.
I have been lurking here for awhile, plus several other forums, and have really enjoyed the banter and the knowledge. Brief description would be a "Hunter who shoots" so I've never come close to shooting out a barrel. Although I'm not really a long-range hunter/shooter, I really like the conversations regarding equipment and reloading techniques. I've been reloading since the early 70's but since my shooting is basically short range(less than 500 yards) I don't get into as much detail as others. Grew up in the 60's as a Quail hunter, when there were wild birds for the average person, and started deer hunting in 1972. Primarily hunt in South Georgia now where there are some heavy deer and shots are from 25 to 450 yards down shooting lanes. Lot of hogs and coyotes too. Years ago, I had an old timer in Montana tell me I wasn't a hand loader, I was an "Assembler", LOL, but I do know a little more now. Certainly don't know it all. I load for 30.06AI, 7RM, 300WM, 280REM, 338WM, 280AI, 7STW, 270WEA, 338/280AI, 708REM, 6.5X284N, 44MAG, 454C, 45C.
Thanks for this opportunity! I might chime in from time to
You load for more different calibers than I do it looks like I am the assembler LOL Welcome from Tennessee
Welcome from Georgia and I to am an assembler, a shooter first and a sometimes hunter. Ask questions and you will always answers.
I have been lurking here for awhile, plus several other forums, and have really enjoyed the banter and the knowledge. Brief description would be a "Hunter who shoots" so I've never come close to shooting out a barrel. Although I'm not really a long-range hunter/shooter, I really like the conversations regarding equipment and reloading techniques. I've been reloading since the early 70's but since my shooting is basically short range(less than 500 yards) I don't get into as much detail as others. Grew up in the 60's as a Quail hunter, when there were wild birds for the average person, and started deer hunting in 1972. Primarily hunt in South Georgia now where there are some heavy deer and shots are from 25 to 450 yards down shooting lanes. Lot of hogs and coyotes too. Years ago, I had an old timer in Montana tell me I wasn't a hand loader, I was an "Assembler", LOL, but I do know a little more now. Certainly don't know it all. I load for 30.06AI, 7RM, 300WM, 280REM, 338WM, 280AI, 7STW, 270WEA, 338/280AI, 708REM, 6.5X284N, 44MAG, 454C, 45C.
Thanks for this opportunity! I might chime in from time to ti
Welcome to the forum! Did that fella from MT explain what the difference was between a handloader and assembler?
He was a really nice guy who had drawn a bighorn sheep tag for a section that included where we were mule deer hunting. I had been out on the ridges overlooking the Missouri River and had seen two groups of sheep that had several big rams the day before he got there. Actually shot my deer while I was out there that day. Anyway, I told him I would take him out there and show him where I saw them. We talked reloading on the way and I said I used new components for all my hunting ammo. He felt that to be a reloader you would need to scrounge old LC 06 brass and go through all the prep necessary to get it ready. A fine distinction but real to him. Wasn't about to extend that part of the discussion with a guy who hunted bighorn sheep in cowboy boots, a pre-64 Winchester 30.06 and had a once in a lifetime sheep tag in his pocket. The Assembler tag just stuck with me. Don't know if he got his sheep as we left a couple of days later. Several B&C rams have come from that area in the badlands along the Missouri. It's described as too rough for elk but mule deer travel it like I go to the mail box. Probably a longer answer than you were looking for.
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