New build Moutain rifle,280 AI


Jul 14, 2011
I've decided to build a new mountain rifle for hunting reindeer and deer here in Norway.
The caliber should be in 280 ackley Improved.
I have ordred a Stiller TAC 300 with Shilen trigger and Stiller picatinny rail.
I have seen PTG long action oberndorf bottom metal and the H-S precision Detachable magazines,what would be best for such a rifle?do you have other suggestions?
The rifle barrel should be a Lilja 1:9,length should be 24" or 25" and fluted.
Stock,High Tech.
Usually when one says "mountain rifle" the build is in the light weight direction typically a handy packing rifle. What you are describing sounds more like a heavy tactical build. Detachable mags and a picatinny rail are just more to pack.

For a mountain rifle I would be thinking Remington or Pierce titanium action, a number 1 or 2 contour no more than 24", McMillan Edge stock, Tally light weight scope mounts and built in an ADL configuration.

The caliber choice is okay. Being deer is heavy as your hunting I would also be looking hard at the 7-08AI to get the short action and save even more weight.
Action Stiller TAC 300.:30 ounses,970gr
Picatinny rail.:1,6 ounses,45gr
Shilen trigger.:3ounses,87gr
Fluted Lilja barrel 24",contour 4,41 ounces,1162gr
Bottom metal.:pTG long action oberndorf alu,5.5 ounces,156gr
Stock High Tech .:27 ounces,750gr
Scope Rings.:5 ounces,150gr
Suppressor.:hausken alu ,11 ounces,310gr
Bipod.:Versa Pod mod 52,19 ounces 540gr or the atlas bt10-lw17,12,7 ounces,360gr

Tot. without scope 8.8lb,3990gr with Atlas and 9.2lb,4170gr with Versa Pod mod 52.

Heavy or not,i think this will be a good mountain rifle.
Have not decided riflescope,but concidering these S&B PMII 3-27x56 or the Kahles 624i
Mountain rifles:

4.8 pounds
Kimber America | Mountain Ascent

5 - 5.75 pounds
Ultra Light Arms Custom Rifles

4.5 pounds
Rifles Inc. - Rifle Models

factory standard rifles:

7.25 pounds
Model 70 Sporter, Bolt Action Deer Elk Big Game Rifle -- Winchester Repeating Arms -- Product Model

7 pounds
Savage Arms

7.35 pounds
Centerfire Rifle - Model 700 BDL - Remington Centerfire Rifles

M40 tactical rifle:

9.5 - 12.5 pounds
M40Specs : Tactical Precision Rifles Law Enforcement Military, Tactical Precision Rifles Law Enforcement Military
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