New beater rig


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2009
Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
I have been looking for a stainless shorter barreled rifle for riding in the truck, coyote hunting etc.. My dad called me friday when i was on my weekly drive delivering pumps saying he found a stainless sako A7 in 25-06, and it was in my price range. The guy had duracoated the stock green but had never shot it. It was on consignment for $600. So I called and asked them to hold it I would be there the next morning to buy it.... Went to go pick it up and sure enough it appeared to be un fired. so I bought it. After some research it turns out they take browning a bolt bases. So I threw on a set of durasight 1 piece rings that I had sitting about on it just so I could start break in and some load development. It seems to shoot really well so far. The rings are way too high so I am going to put some low Talleys on it. But here is a pic I snapped of it on the cleaning bench
Dang Mike, are you gun poor yet?:D What kind of pumps are you delivering? Kinda sounds like my company's neck of the woods... What bullet are you going to play with in this one?
Dang Mike, are you gun poor yet?:D What kind of pumps are you delivering? Kinda sounds like my company's neck of the woods... What bullet are you going to play with in this one?

I am very gun poor! I am gonna try 110 accubonds in it. I have a shop where we sell/repair several different types of pumps and valves but my main customer who I deliver pumps for is using Kimray Glycol pumps, Chemical Injection pumps and a few Graco Diaphragm pumps. What do you do?
Shoot, i'm just a lowlife safety guy.... we build, Install & service all sorts of pumps in our various services.... Rod pumps, PC (progressive cavity) pumps, Tri-plex, quinta-plex. HPS (horizontal pumping systems) Gas lift, plunger lift etc. Used to do ESP (electronic submersible) however we sold 67% of that PL to the russians....

Anywho, keep us updated on the new toy... I wanna see what a 110 accu-bomb will do to a coyote!
I used to shoot the accubond out of another 25-06 and it performed very well on coyotes. but ill be sure and get another one once I get it up and going and take some pictures.
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