New 338 Allen Mag hit the range!!!!


Official LRH Sponsor
Jun 12, 2004
Fort Shaw, Montana
I just finished up a rifle for Joecool here on LRH. Here is a list of componants:

-338 Allen Mag chambered
-BAT 8.5" M receiver, left hand
-BAT 40 MOA rail base
-Rifles Basix 8 to 20 oz trigger currently set at 1 lb
-Lilja 1.450" straight cylinder 1-10 twist 338 barrel with very large 7/16" flutes
-APS compact 4 port muzzle brake
-McMillan MBR Tooley stock
-Hybrid ABS Barrel bedding V-Block bedding system
-Nightforce rings
-Nightforce 8-32x 56mm NP-R1 reticle

Total package weighs in at around 30-31 lbs ready to shoot. I must admit that for a long range rifle, I am a real sucker for the Tooley stock but I am a vertical grip design nut. THis rifle REALLY feels good to shoot.

Back to the range test. I loaded up some loads, same I was using in old Black Sunshine. THis load is pretty darn mild in that rifle but in the 40" pipe still clips along right at around 3400 fps with the 300 gr pills.

I instantly found out that in warm summer temps this load works well, in the cooler winter temps, it is to low in pressure and I was getting severe hang fired, some long enough I would start wondering if they were going to actually go bang!!!

Our weather has been the pits for long range rifle testing and with the addition of our new little girl time has been a bit used up the last week or so so I must give Larry a huge thank you for his patients through this time. I have taken longer then I told him I would and apologize for that.

Yesterday morning I woke up to quite a bit of snow falling so I headed over to the shop to get some work done. Around 3:30 in the afternoon the clouds lifted and it stopped snowing. The winds were calm so I decided to try to get up and test the rifle. Packed everything up and headed out.

By the time I got things set up, gong and rifle, I had about 30 minutes of shooting time left, at the most. I took some pictures with what light I did have and then bore sighted the rifle. I had placed the gong at 1000 yards and also set up a smaller sighter rock 10 yards to the right of the gong to zero in on before moving to the steel.



It only took three shots to break the rock but it was not easy with the severe hang fires with this load. I could not chrono because of the light conditions but form earlier testing, I would estimate this load was in the low 3200 fps range.

I shot a few more times to confirm the scope adjustment and then turned the last three toward the gong. I did not have it suspended, just propped up against a rock outcropping.

Lined up on it and tripped the trigger on the first shot,

"Click......................Bang!!" and around a second later dust lifted all around the gong and the very loud metalic impact noise drifted back to my shooting position. Must have been a pretty close to center hit as the gong never even twitched from what I could see.

Shot two started away with another "Click....................Bang!" and again the bullet rung the steel.

Shot three repeated the first two but this shot flipped the steel plate down the hill, must have been on the fringes somewhere I figured.

I packed everything up and headed over to the gong, not sure what to expect from shooting this rifle with these severe hang fires. I feel I am a decent shot but the "Click...........Bang!" thing is very hard to shoot though accuracy wise. Also they generally are not the most consistant loads velocity wise either!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif

Got up to the gong as was pleasantly suprised by the results on the steel.

The three shots made a nearly perfect triangle on the lower left quarter of the plate. They measured just a hair short of 6" ctc for the three shot group. With the light conditions and the hangfires I was very happy


I want to get the load worked up to eliminate the hang fires and get the rifle up into the 3400 fps velocity range where it will easily reach and do one more test at long range and then get her packed up and headed to her new home.

All in all I am very happy with the results and I am pretty sure there will be no problems at all hammering an elk at 1500 yards through the vitals with this rifle.

With a good working pressure load I would be amazed if this rifle will not play with the 1/3 moa level at this range and easily consistantly under 1/2 moa in good shooting conditions.

Good Shooting!!

Kirby Allen(50)
wow, that thing is a beast! 30LBS!!!! good looking rig, and great shooting even with the hang fires.

I like it, and thanks for sharing your projects with us, fun to read about.
There will be a 338 AM coming soon that should weight in around 67-70 lbs, stay tooned for that monster!!! Couple boys on LRH want to play with the world record varmint kill. Lerch and Bill Bailey are the soon to be owners of this monster 338 AM. Hope to be getting bullets in the air in not to much time.

Kirby Allen(50)
I'm still trying to figure out how you were even able to test fire that hog leg with the bolt on the wrong side. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
There will be a 338 AM coming soon that should weight in around 67-70 lbs, stay tooned for that monster!!! Couple boys on LRH want to play with the world record varmint kill. Lerch and Bill Bailey are the soon to be owners of this monster 338 AM. Hope to be getting bullets in the air in not to much time.

[/ QUOTE ]

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No apologies needed I'm very patient I would rather have you take the time that's needed and make sure every thing is right and make it a shooter than to hurry you. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Forgot to mention in my original post, recoil was less then my Ruger Heavy Varminter in 22-250, no lie!!! Talk about a ***** cat!!

I think Black Sunshine will be getting a compact four port ABS brake here this spring before chuck season starts!! That rifle does not kick much but yours does not kick AT ALL!!! YOU will be suprised the first time you shoot it.

Shooting a chambering that large you train your brain to expect some recoil, when it does not happen its almost a let down for a couple seconds, then you come to your senses and begin to simply smile and shoot!!!

Kirby Allen(50)

Are you able to eject a loaded case in that size of action? Nice cannon though, Joecool should be happy with that. Sounds like the Okie boys will be getting their new toy as well. Can't wait to see that thing...does it have wheels? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Nope have to pull the bolt to clear a live round in the BAT 8.5" M receiver but with the side mounted bolt release this is so easy its not worth worrying about.

No wheels on the big rifle heading down south but I can say it will probably have to ship via frieght!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif It will be about a foot taller then BJ and about 20 lbs heavier then Lerch!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif Just kidding guys just overly tired and getting a little silly /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif

Kirby Allen(50)
Hi Kirby what length is the barrel and is it all hanging of the action or have you bedded under any part of that awsome barrel?

Cheers Bill

PS i will be Tig welding your 50 cal and Shawns 30 cal breaks up early next week should be totaly finished and posted by the end of the week. With yours i made the wals slightly thicker totake the larget gas volume and pressure it will be 3" wide and i also added a 5th baffel just to give it a few more steroids it is the bigest i have made so their are 2 one for you and 1 for me when i get the case togethor to build sompthing on a shortened 50 case or mabe even the 50 you are working on. It is interesting how you have come full circle though. The 505 Gibs case was used to design the 408 case the 408 case was necked to 338 for your allen mag then you have necked it to .510 again but imptoved 5 thou from where the parent case started.

(Sorry to hijack the thread)
Wild Bill,

The barrel is just shy of 35". No it is not totally floated. We discussed this and decided on a Barrel bedding V-Block system but this is a hybrid system to work with the BAT M receiver. Since this is a mid receiver recoil lug design, I did not like putting a V-Block alone several inches ahead of the recoil lug. As such, the receiver is completely pillar bedded and there is also a 2.75" aluminum V-Block roughtly 3" ahead of the receiver. The barreled receiver is bedded from the front of the V-Block to the rear of the receiver and held in place by five total bolts, three main receiver bolts, one front trigger guard bolt and one bolt in the V-Block.

Probably overkill but I would say this is the most rigid bedding system I have ever tested in a rifle besides a full machine rest design.

I am really encouraged by the initial results of the 50 Allen Tactical. Got up to 142 gr RL-22 and no pressure at all under the 700 gr FMJBT. Thats as much powder as I can get under that bullet without significant powder crushing.

Load from a disk said that with the specs of my case and that bullet weight and shape that 130 gr would be about max in pressure, Like I said, 142 gr was not even enough to leave the slightest bit of an ejector mark!!!

I think Rl-19 or H-4350 will be THE powders for this round. I am hoping to get the 750 gr pills up to 2450 fps in this rifle, we will see. A full report will be posted within a week or so.

By the way, this rifle is lighter then the rifle I took to Idaho to hunt with Shawn. In the limited load testing I have done so far I had the 16x Super Sniper kiss my forhead three times. Not hard but it wakes you up for sure. Working to correct that problem!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Kirby Allen(50)
Man! 0.573 MOA at 1000 yards with all three shots having
hagfires? That's amazing!!! I agree, you can shoot! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Nice rifle!

This rifle is really, REALLY easy to shoot. It is not my shooting ability that did this. The weight of the rifle is just enough that it will sit there calm even with the hangfires and the totally non existant recoil is also a dramatic help.

Thanks for your kind words but this is more the rifle then me to be sure!!!

Kirby Allen(50)
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