Nevada Bull Tag

BK I'm really happy for you.You didn't go home empty handed. Where abouts(in 121) did you shoot the elk?
I was lucky enough to get picked for an alternate bull tag. I was in area 221/222.
Unfortunately, I went home without filling my tag. Missed a few shots I should have made...:( One shot I didn't take was a bull with a cow standing right behind him...and then they ran off up into the really high country. The snow kept us from a few spots that were just too steep. We camped at Patterson Pass and mostly hunted in Mule Shoe Valley.
Hi bk,
I've never hunted elk in that area but I have deer hunter area 121 extensively over the past 20 years. I have seen elk in that area but the herd isn't very big. The 104 area used to be heavily wooded...mostly pinon pine and cedar. About four years ago BLM and the wildlife dept. chained large portions of area 104 and left many "islands" of trees. The cheet grass grew where the trees had been cleared for browse for the elk.
Telegraph canyon also has a resident elk herd. You are one lucky son-of-a-gun drawing an elk tag in Nevada. I have been applying for the last 18 seasons and drew absolutely nothing! If you have any other questions....just ask away.
Hello I seen your post from awhile back about elk in area 104,108&121 and was wondering it you were still familiar with this area? I drew an elk tag this year and was hoping to get some advise on where the elk may be in this area as I have never got an elk tag before and am not to familiar with this area
Hello I seen your post from awhile back about elk in area 104,108&121 and was wondering it you were still familiar with this area? I drew an elk tag this year and was hoping to get some advise on where the elk may be in this area as I have never got an elk tag before and am not to familiar with this area
chas3stix hasn't been on the forum since 2016. You may want to post what information you are seeking on the elk hunting forum section. Good luck

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