Need some advice/ help


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2013
Good day .
I don't post much but this time i just need some help and or advice .
I ordered some powder the other day from a shop about 4 hrs drive from my local town .
My wife was going on a road trip so she said she would pick it up for me .
I ordered 4064 for my 6.5 Creedmoor and IMR 4831 for my 300 and 270 Mags .
When she got home , the 4831 turned out to be 3031 :( .
Can 3031 be used for the 6.5 or say 308 ?
I don't want to end up driving 8 hrs just to return the powder , i cant send it back as the local carriers have no stopped shipping powder .
Can anyone share a "pet load " that i can try with my rifles for this powder just to help me out.
Thanks in advance for any help .
Don't take this wrong but I would purchase a current reloading manual, but here you go.


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And I suspect you will be really lucky if the store takes it back. All the stores I know have a no exchange on ammo, primers and powder.
Yeah exactly . Well seeing as Varget is about as rare as Hens teeth right now , 308 will be a good start . I just wanted to know if it could be used in the 6.5 Creedmoor as well but cant seem to find anything on it
Yeah exactly . Well seeing as Varget is about as rare as Hens teeth right now , 308 will be a good start . I just wanted to know if it could be used in the 6.5 Creedmoor as well but cant seem to find anything on it
That’s for sure, I can tell you that 3031 is a great powder for a 30-30 if you have one of those!!
Good day .
I don't post much but this time i just need some help and or advice .
I ordered some powder the other day from a shop about 4 hrs drive from my local town .
My wife was going on a road trip so she said she would pick it up for me .
I ordered 4064 for my 6.5 Creedmoor and IMR 4831 for my 300 and 270 Mags .
When she got home , the 4831 turned out to be 3031 :( .
Can 3031 be used for the 6.5 or say 308 ?
I don't want to end up driving 8 hrs just to return the powder , i cant send it back as the local carriers have no stopped shipping powder .
Can anyone share a "pet load " that i can try with my rifles for this powder just to help me out.
Thanks in advance for any help .
Call Sierra Bullets , ask their bullet Ballisticion what powder you have , bullets and they can help you with safe information, have called em many times over the years !
Good day .
I don't post much but this time i just need some help and or advice .
I ordered some powder the other day from a shop about 4 hrs drive from my local town .
My wife was going on a road trip so she said she would pick it up for me .
I ordered 4064 for my 6.5 Creedmoor and IMR 4831 for my 300 and 270 Mags .
When she got home , the 4831 turned out to be 3031 :( .
Can 3031 be used for the 6.5 or say 308 ?
I don't want to end up driving 8 hrs just to return the powder , i cant send it back as the local carriers have no stopped shipping powder .
Can anyone share a "pet load " that i can try with my rifles for this powder just to help me out.
Thanks in advance for any help .
I would avoid using the 3031 in your Creedmoor, fast burning powder. If you have IMR4064 it would be suitable. But it is still a bit fast for6.5 CM. look for some H4350 or slower. STaBall is made for the Creedmoor.
I would be looking for H4350, RL16, or RL26 for the Creed.
I have RL16 and RL 26 , just ran out of IMR 4350 , tried the 4064 and had really good luck with this load in my Christenson Arms rifle last weekend . It produced better groups at 220 yards than any of the other powders i have tried so far . I guess i'll use the 3031 for the 308 and see how that goes .
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