Need rings for A-Bolt 3


Apr 28, 2015
Need rings for my new A-Bolt 3. Was looking at the Talley rings but reviews I read said they don't fit the AB3. No shop in my area has any that will work. Anyone have any suggestions (links would be appreciated). This is a basic deer rifle, won't be anything too long range. Need to be 30 mm rings for my new Vortex HST. Thanks for the help
Need rings for my new A-Bolt 3. Was looking at the Talley rings but reviews I read said they don't fit the AB3. No shop in my area has any that will work. Anyone have any suggestions (links would be appreciated). This is a basic deer rifle, won't be anything too long range. Need to be 30 mm rings for my new Vortex HST. Thanks for the help

IIWY, I'd with a 20 picatinny rail from EGW

... and Burris signature zee rings with inserts, esp the new XTRs ( ... and you're golden.


Good luck!
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