Need info on Howa


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2004
Joseph Oregon
I am looking at two getting a 7m08, one for my baby brother and one for my fiance. I have always been a Savage guy. However some one suggested that i take a look at Howa so how are they? How do they compare to Savages?

They both will perform fine depending on your standards. There are more after market parts readily available for Savage than Howa though depending on what you might what to do in the future with them.
My belief is that the howa will shoot tighter more accurate groups however, the savage is easier to upgrade. There isn't much you can do to a howa, I have 1 and it shoots great but I am dissapointed that I can't upgrade the trigger.
Just let your fingers do the searching on google and you will see there are quite a few upgrades for the Howa rifles now. They are our biggest selling factory rifle here in Australia. I just got one in 7mmwsm as the base for a build :)
Howa triggers are adjustable and can be set to a very safe 2 lbs with little trouble.
The few that went through my shop were well built, the machining of the bolt recess and the chambers looked way better than a remmy, along with the bore. I set one up for a guy and it shot 10 shot groups under an inch at 100 yards (308)
I have a Vangard, I replaced the OEM trigger with a Timney, if you are capable of operating a straight slot screwdriver, you can handle the trigger swap on a Vangard/Howa 1500.
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