Need help please

What is your COAL with the bullet touching the lands? This is your first step, without it you can't start or probably shouldn't start. Once you know what it is you can go 8-10 thousandths into the lands and shorten from there. If it is shooting well I probably wouldn't bother, I have stumbled on some really good loads without seating depth testing.
Darrin, nobody can tell you what the coal should be. You should measure your savage rifle. SAAMI COAL is 3.440. The coal in my custom chamber is around 4.044 CBTO if I remember correctly.
If you have a piece of fired brass and the Berger bullet you can get a fairly accurate length. I'm sure there's some YouTube videos showing this process.
I'll try to explain the process
Get your fired brass and cut two slits in the neck length wise, one directly across from the other. Insert bullet into neck and leave it very long and use a pair of pliers and very lightly crimp it. Insert into the chamber and close the bolt and then as delicately as possible open the bolt. Measure your coal and write it down. Pull the bullet out a bit and repeat until you notice a trend in the length. I usually do this 8-10 times and it's probably more accurate than someone else's rifle.
I was taught to do it this way before all the fancy tools available nowadays.
Hopefully this helps and YouTube will have something similar I'm sure.
It does not matter if a person has the exact same gun as in the actual one you personally own. The bullet bushing used to touch the bearing surface can and will vary from bushing to bushing even bushing from the same manf. How you hold and measure all cause even more variation. Only way that measurement would be good is if you used the exact bushing in the same rifle whch is not possible in this case.

Now what you can do is get someone to measure their bullets oal first as this should help with tip variation. Then have them use the method of finding the lands that Alex Wheeler has a video of on his gunsmith website Wheeler Accuracy it's titled Finding Your Lands. They can then measure the OAL of their loaded round and that should get you within a few thou of touch vs into the lands. You also ideally really want to use a fired case that will allow you to size it to 0.002 cp3arance. Again a video of how to accurately to find that on Alex's site same link above. If both parties do this you would have reasonable precision. Both use the bullet model and find with the same oal. Then follow the videos. Since using these methods it's the ONLY way I do it anymore.

Obviously this still is not accurate as even with duplicate Rifles especially production guns there will be tolerances of a few thou in chamber headspace. Then you have throat erosion . This is why other than getting you close how much your jumping or into the lands is more helpful usingnthe methods in those videos and can be duplicated with much more precision.
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