Need help mounting please


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
I need to get one of these- Mueller 4-14x40 APT (30mm)

onto one of these- Savage 110 (without the Accu trigger) 25-06

What rings and what mount/base/rail?

I want 10-20 MOA slope for long range shooting please.

Burris Signature Zee or Burris XTR rings
EGW 20MOA base

That combo will run you less than $100 for base and rings, and is quite secure. The Signature Zees are elevation adjustable on their own with their plastic shim system. For hunting rings I think they're pretty nice. If you're concerned about durability (bouncing around in a truck) go with the XTRs, which have a very long bearing surface. The XTRs are all aluminum and bulky, but not very heavy given their size.
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