Need Help Finding a Rail Base


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2007
Townsend, Montana.
I am having a hard time finding a base for this action. I need a 20 or so MOA rail for my new 6mmbr build. The rifle was an early Weatherby Vanguard Deluxe. Short action with the Sako type bolt release on the left side of the action. Doen't seem to be like the Howa. Here are the C/L measurements from rear forward on the mounting screws.

1~2 = .860"

1~3 = 4.765"

1~4 = 5.365"

Any help or direction would be appreciated.


Broz- I'd give EGW and Ken Ferrel a call. I think nightforce, egw, and Holland make bases you can drill your own hole in as well if nothing at all turns up. I think you'll have a rough time finding the info you need on the net unless someone chimes in that's been down the road you heading.
Thanks guys, Not crazy about the EGW's. Last one I got was not the best. But , I will give Ken Ferrell a call. I bought one Ken Ferrell for it. It is a SA rem and does not fit. So like stated above. I need someone that has been here or a good tech on the phone. Also the non drilled base is an option too.


You might try to get in touch with Near Mfg. I have two of his rails and they are great. One is for a Sako the other for a remington. Great Guy. I know that he makes some for Weatherbys.
You might try to get in touch with Near Mfg. I have two of his rails and they are great. One is for a Sako the other for a remington. Great Guy. I know that he makes some for Weatherbys.

Yes , Richards bases are TOP NOTCH!! Machining is the best and nice recoil lug and things match up to the rifle receiver too. Not sure if he makes a vanguard one or not but I could check.

Jeff- What was wrong w/ your EGW's ? I just picked one up for a rem LA and was wondering what you noted so I can check mine.

I was having this problem finding one for a Super VarmintMaster Weatherby. The SVM has a smaller downsized Mark V action with only a 6 lug bolt. Anyway, I called EGW and spoke with a very nice gentleman and he said he had the base. The price was very reasonable , but when I got the base it would rock like it was bent when I set it on the receiver. I placed it on the floor, up on a block of wood and bent it with my foot. Petty soft..... So I got it close, and applied some bedding compound to the back of it and drew it down to the receiver with the screw. It bent as I was tightening it and pulled down nicely. When it dried I installed my 5.5x22x50 nxs in NF rings. Went to the range and found that what was suppose to be a 20 moa base was someting like 50 moa. With the NXS with 100 moa adjustment, all the wat down I was still 1" high at 100 yards with a 22-250. I chalked it up to you get what "you pay for." Maybe I just got a bad base, and this was my one and only experience with EGW.

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