Need Gunsmith for BDL Inletting


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2012
Starkville, MS
Folks, I'm looking for a gunsmith that can inlet a Gen 1 Rem 700 Titanium stock to BDL configuration, then drop in a mountain rifle action and skim bed it. Rick Steinhour at Extreme Rifle Works is doing a similar rifle for me right now, but he's pretty backed up. If you know someone you'd trust to do the work, please let me know here or via PM. Thank you.

I'll check them out. Thank you. They have done some bolt fluting for me in the past, but that's the extent of it.

LRH members, are there other options besides LRI?
I'm looking forward to getting my first stock back from Rick at ERW. From what I understand, he has done most of the inletting for MPI through the years. The rifle should be back in my hands next week and we'll see how it turned out. I'll post a pic.
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