My Wife's Coastal Black Bear


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2009
I was finally able to get my wife out of the house for a hunting trip this year. We spent a weekend on Alaska's Prince William sound chasing black bears. it was a great time and we saw a lot of great black bears and a couple of monstrous Brownies.

My wife ended up scoring on the third day on a fine boar with a white "V" flashing on his chest. She made the shot at around 80 yards with my .270 Win, shooting handloaded 140 gr Accubonds.


Congrats to your wife!
That looks like a bruiser.
I was able to chase a few around myself up there last month. TOO much fun.
Any idea on the skull or hide size?
Congrats to your wife!
That looks like a bruiser.
I was able to chase a few around myself up there last month. TOO much fun.
Any idea on the skull or hide size?

Bear hunting the coast is an absolute blast! The quality of the bears is incredible.

I don't have final measurements of the skull yet, I had the taxidermist remove it from the hide for AK Fish and Game sealing.

My rough measurement of the hide was right around 7 1/2 feet nose to tail. My bear's hide from this year was a 7'2" and the skull measured 19 6/8, so I'm hoping Holly's breaks 20".

I was not expecting the first bear to be this big. I normally have to pass a few dinks to see a good boar like this.
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Congrats, that is one heck of a bear!! Did you go self guided or did you use a outfitter? My wife and i would love to do that for our anniversery net year , but were wondering about the cost on something like that.
That's a really nice bear!!! Looks like his coat was in prime condition, should make a beautiful mount or rug. Great photos by the way.
Congrats, that is one heck of a bear!! Did you go self guided or did you use a outfitter? My wife and i would love to do that for our anniversery net year , but were wondering about the cost on something like that.

It was all DIY. I'm just lucky enough to have access to the equipment resources. When splitting up the costs 4 ways it ended up costing us all $213.00 to go.
If she can skin it out and help with the packing I'd say she's a keeper.

BTW - Nice bear.

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