My New pack saw the “Dura-Saw”


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Feb 16, 2017
North Idaho
So here's my new pack saw. Couple tweaks over the years but I'm finally happy with it.

Black anodized 6061 aluminum handle

High speed steel blade with a 6 tooth per inch and aggressive offset teeth. Bead blast finish then cerakoted.

Cuts thru bone extremely well. Tough enough that you can use the blade to smack small branches off trees.

14.25" OAL 11" of exposed blade 1/16" thick. It's very rigid. You can lean on it as hard as desired when cutting and it doesn't bend or buckle.

Approximate weight is 14 oz. quite a bit lighter than a Wyoming saw and you don't have to assemble it when you want to use it.
Just put my hands on this saw today with some very likable first impressions. Saw blade is no-joke stiff. I've used a few different bow-type saws and always ran out of cut depth at improper times while sawing deeper cuts not to mention, when I get tired sawing, the blade likes to wobble and bind. I think the single blade design is both more maneuverable and offers fewer parts and pieces to get lost when working in bad lighting situations. The handle fits my (XL) mitts snug but not too small and the design offers a positive grip. A bit more subjective on this point, but the weight is also nicely distributed, with enough of it in the handle to put some heft in the push-pull. Blade length is appropriate, long enough to take a good bite out of what you're sawing each stroke and short enough to not just be a big saw.... Looking forward to a testing it out a bit more.
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