My journey of putting a tikka t1x in a t3x chassis


Mar 19, 2021
Yuma, AZ
So a few weeks ago I got my hands on a t1x 22lr 16.5" and liked it but the LOP was way too short for me. I was contemplating a krg bravo stock but got a smokin deal on a mdt hs3 chassis for a t3x. I know the actions have the same foot print but the bottom metal fir the t1x attaches to the receiver. I had seen on other forums of t1xs in t3x chassis and read it required a little machining but no real details. So last night I gave it a swing on my friends harbor freight mill with no DRO. I am not a machinist or gunsmith.


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It needed a channel cut between the trigger box and the magwell to allow room for the Allen cap head bolt and bottom metal. The aics magazine release and magazine guides are in the way of the bottom metal.


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Here is a pic of the cut and the receiver next to each other to get an idea. The cut was .4 deep and I don't remember what size the tool was. I believe it was right over 3/8".


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The original mag release was cut back just behind the magazine release roll pin and the magazine guide were removed and boxed radiused so the magazine could insert and drop freely. I tried to make the radiuses match but I was counting turns and it didn't come out perfect but it works.


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Here is a the finished product. I did a little finish work on some of the edges with small files to smooth them out. The boat keel on the magazine rests almost flush on the chassis and looks like it's supposed to be there. Later I might drill and tap the front end for a 419 rail on the front end. I'm going to put some glass on it today and take it for a spin this weekend. I learned a lot from this project and look forward to the next.


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Good work.
Sometimes it's fun tinkering with stuff and making something fit when it wasn't intended to go together in the first place.
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