My first Bull


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2008
I got my first bull this year in northeastern Oregon on Nov 8th. 658 yards with a 300 grain Sierra out my new 338 Edge. He was bedded uphill away from me and I spined him with one shot (DRT). He's a 7x7 and I think he should score 325 to 330. Definately the bull of a life time for me!



Doug, CONGRATULATIONS! That is a heck of a nice bull. You going to get him mounted? What pose? Take a hard look at Joe Coombs pedestal bull manikin!
Thanks Derek. I'm definately getting him mounted, but not sure what pose yet. I left lots of extra cape so I've been thinking about a wall pedastal. I'll have to check them out.
Doug, that is an awsome bull, good for you.

He sure looks bigger than 330.
That brings back memories of my first 6x6, That will give you the fever:D Great job .Spined mine also
Nice bull my friend, Nice bull.

I am looking at rifle elk again this year. I have hunted North Central Oregon a few times. Never got lucky though. Well, I mean, never brought home an elk!

I think that the 600+ yard marker is a bit much for my rifle, but I would not hesitate at 500. Still getting it all set up, but should be one heck of a large game rifle.

What unit/area you hunt? I have been fond of Beulah and Hepner. But it has been many seasons since I have been that way.

Again, Congrats!
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