My bad experience MPI STOCKS


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2010
My buddy wanted the ultra LW thumbhole stock. I contacted MPI stocks. The gal said she is the owner. I told her what my buddy wanted and that he needed the rifle back before the 1st weekend of February. She stated she was able to do that no problem. She stated the finished stock bedded to the stock by them would be shipped on January 10th if I got her the rifle to her that week and maid the deposit. I had it to her in two days on the 2nd week of December. He paid the half down of $600 of time of ordering. I told her what stock and length off pull and the need for a very stiff stock, especially the forend to guarantee the barrel would always be Free floated for Shooting LR with a Atlas bipod. She stated the forend will be very stiff and guaranteed the the barrel will be FREE floated and he will think it's the best LR stock he has ever owned. I called and had to leave a message on 1/23/18. Wanting to know where the rifle was and why Gary had not received a envoice or any communication. Received a call from the Gall (the owner) the next week. She said she was at a shot show or safari show. She did nothing but make excuses on how she was gone, and out getting business. She stated she is headed back and will get the stock out the next Monday. That didn't happen!
Called again this last Thursday. (She)the owner stated again she was at a show again and headed back to the shop over the weekend. She stated the only thing needed was to do the paint job and she did that her self. She stated she guarenteed to do it Monday and the rifle will ship Tuesday. She called me Tuesday to ask what color he wanted. I had already told her at time of ordering. She stated she will paint it and then ship it Wednesday.
Well got the stock. The barrel touches the stock when sitting on a rear bag and a Bipod. The forend is super flimsy. I called her today. I got some really stupid excuses. One being. The stock is suppose to be that way, that barrels are supposed to touch at different points under firing. I can go on!!!! If you can't tell I'm mad. Anyway she did nothing but lie to me and gave Gary a ****** stock that I have to take to a gunsmith to fix with opening up the barrel Chanel and reinforce with carbon fiber rods. Will cost another $250-$350. Almost forgot. Still have not received a envoice. The owner stated her computer isn't working and she will email me the envoice when we hung up today. That was at 4 today. Big surprise. No envoice.

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I've heard a little of what is supposed to be the "back story". Meaning it's second hand and take it for what it's worth. The fellow founding and running the company has died, and his daughter is trying to keep it alive. Sucks for you regardless, a shame to see things go this way.
It really sucks for Gary. I told her he needed that rifle back for a hunt this week. That's why she was going to ship it 1-10-18 before all the shows. She stated she will make sure of him getting his rifle back for the hunt. He had to cancel last week. He lost his deposit of $1500. No rifle. No hunt.
Just my opinion. She really does not know what is needed in a rifle stock. I truly believe at this time. She does not care aswell. I believe she only cares about $ and she will lie and say whatever to get some $ coming in. Then send the customer a stock some time at their lisure. And a stock that is still needing work.
It really sucks for Gary. I told her he needed that rifle back for a hunt this week. That's why she was going to ship it 1-10-18 before all the shows. She stated she will make sure of him getting his rifle back for the hunt. He had to cancel last week. He lost his deposit of $1500. No rifle. No hunt.
Just my opinion. She really does not know what is needed in a rifle stock. I truly believe at this time. She does not care aswell. I believe she only cares about $ and she will lie and say whatever to get some $ coming in. Then send the customer a stock some time at their lisure. And a stock that is still needing work.
Huh sorry you had a bad experience.
It's weird that you mentioned all the recent shot shows holding up your timeline. I contacted Lisa (the gal that owns the place as you put it) back in early December and ordered a semi prefit ultra light stock. She told me it would take at least two months, and I got it a few weeks ago. I can't see why she would have promised a full custom 30 day turnaround being that she told me two months for a partially built stock...
Anyway why the heck would a guy order a custom job 2 months before a hunt? Sorry but that's just asking for it.
I'm very happy with my stock, bedded it myself and its rock solid. Finished at 18 ounces with butt pad and mag.
Lisa was very helpful btw, she spent 45 minutes on the phone with me answering questions on bedding and fitting the recoil pad.
Also take it easy on the slandering,
It's pretty easy to call someone a liar when they're not around to defend themselves.
Just saying
Doc, original owner, took me to the cleaners 20 years ago. Long story. Lost over $600 and had no stock after it was all over.

I wonder why your friend didn't use another rifle rather than cancel a hunt and loose a $1500 deposit.
The shot show issue was only told to me from the owner.. I called back in early December asking about how they made the stocks and a turnaround time. She stated at that time. That I was in luck. They where finishing the last two stocks of the year that week, and Gary's stock would be next if I got it there that week. She stated if Gary put the down payment down that week. She would get the stock blank started the next day. So the blank would be ready for his Barreled action the next couple of weeks. To meet the Jan 10th deadline.

Blackaj and AZshooter
The reason for a new stock. Gary broke his on his guided hunt in late November. He had sold all his rifles for a full custom dream rifle a couple of years ago.
Also it is not slander if you are only giving your true experiences with a person or business. And being 100% truthful. I'm only saying what I have experienced with this company and owner from my 1st call December till yesterday's call with her. I would love to be face to face with her at this time. She definitely lied to me on the phone. That is my feelings
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I would borrow a rifle for that hunt aswell. But I'm not Gary. He told me he decided to cancel because he didn't want to not make a good shot on a possible LR hunt on a animal. He felt is was best for him. As he isn't the greatest of marksman to begin with. Plus he said that he just wants to use his own rifle that he spent a lot of money on.
I would borrow a rifle for that hunt aswell. But I'm not Gary. He told me he decided to cancel because he didn't want to not make a good shot on a possible LR hunt on a animal. He felt is was best for him. As he isn't the greatest of marksman to begin with. Plus he said that he just wants to use his own rifle that he spent a lot of money on.
Gary's foolish. Lose $1500 over not having a rifle, hugh? I'd go down to Cabelas or where ever and get an off the rack Remmy or mybe even sharpen a stick to make the hunt. Lose $1500 because your rifle wasn't stocked on short notice, no way. Isn't uncommon to wait over 6 months (McMillan) for a custom.
I get what your saying antlerdacres. I guess the outfitter had an opening and offered it to Gary 1st week of December. That's when he called me. And asked for help finding a stock. Since his stock got broken on his elk hunt by a horse coming back from the back country in late November. I called Manners, McMillan to see what could be done. They could not get him a stock completed in time. So I called MPI. She stated she could get the the stock completed, (NO PROBLEM) per her, since they had no new ordered per her and was finishing the last 2 stocks for the year per her that week. Just had to get them the BA that week and pay the down. I told Gary the MPI stated they will help. I told him to just go buy a cheep rifle at a store and get a McMillan ordered. He trusted the owner of MPI and her timeframe for making him a stock.
Sounds like she promised something she was unable to deliver. I bet she was at the SHOT show in Jan. Bad move on her part to promise something during that timeframe. I have heard some mixed reviews concerning MPI over the years. They are usually around timeframes or expectations on what the finished product was actually supposed to be.

I do have one of their stocks though and it is a beauty. Weight is 20 oz. and it is incredibly stiff with a perfect fit and bedding job. The stock was made in the last year that Doc was still around.

Have met both Lisa and Doc. Met Lisa at a sportsmans show booth. Their display stocks were still excellent and she seemed to have a good sense of where to go with the company and product.

I would have returned the stock and demanded a refund, since your buddy canceled the hunt anyway.
Not sure in your part of the world, but outfitters around my part of the world usually have spare rifles suitable for the hunts they offer for these types of emergencies like this, lost ammo, broken stocks so hunts can continue. One friend shot his 400 inch elk with an outfitters rifle after a horse fell and broke his stock

On the other hand, I have been known once to get stubborn and pride take over and cancel something out of principle taking the loss thinking it would make me feel better about a bad situation that was aggravating me.

I might have even lent him a rifle. Although last time I lent my pre-64 to a buddy he put a big gouge in the stock. As a non-collector, he could not understand his offer to refinish the stock would lower its value.
Sounds like she promised something she was unable to deliver. I bet she was at the SHOT show in Jan. Bad move on her part to promise something during that timeframe. I have heard some mixed reviews concerning MPI over the years. They are usually around timeframes or expectations on what the finished product was actually supposed to be.

I do have one of their stocks though and it is a beauty. Weight is 20 oz. and it is incredibly stiff with a perfect fit and bedding job. The stock was made in the last year that Doc was still around.

Have met both Lisa and Doc. Met Lisa at a sportsmans show booth. Their display stocks were still excellent and she seemed to have a good sense of where to go with the company and product.

I would have returned the stock and demanded a refund, since your buddy canceled the hunt anyway.
The whole situation sounds bad. I've had good luck with MPI in the past, however I always spoke with Doc. Haven't needed a stock since he pasted away. I can understand your buddies frustration and perhaps anger. No one in business should promise a completion and not deliver without extraordinary, beyond their ability circumstances. I don't know know the make of your friends rifle but to make the most from a bad situation I may have explored finding a ready made stock such as HS , B&C, etc. to save the hunt if possible.

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