My 5yr old made me a new loading block


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
San Antonio, TX
Proud daddy, she wanted to build something so I gave her a little bit of help. Built from some walnut I had laying around, she finished it with some Danish oil. Perfect little helper!
Always great when your little one "helps" you. When my son was little guy, he helped me build all sorts of things that we still remember today at 36 years old.

I do have to make a suggestion though to consider. Safety glasses near a drill press since she is eye level; pull her hair back into ponytail to insure it cannot get caught on spinning drill press arbor. As a retired Director of HSE from 100B company I can tell you I have seen enough of those types injuries in a 40+ year career to really be concerned enough to make these suggestions. I am not trying to be wet blanket but just care about her well being and hope you take the suggestions as that.
Always great when your little one "helps" you. When my son was little guy, he helped me build all sorts of things that we still remember today at 36 years old.

I do have to make a suggestion though to consider. Safety glasses near a drill press since she is eye level; pull her hair back into ponytail to insure it cannot get caught on spinning drill press arbor. As a retired Director of HSE from 100B company I can tell you I have seen enough of those types injuries in a 40+ year career to really be concerned enough to make these suggestions. I am not trying to be wet blanket but just care about her well being and hope you take the suggestions as that.
Good advice. Thanks for calling me out on it. I dont know why that didnt occur to me. Just ordered some safety glasses they'll be here friday.
That is just adorable, what a pretty little girl you have and helping dad ! Your living the dream !
birdiemc; not really a call out as much as another dad reaching out to fellow dad. She will also feel "older" with her very own safety glasses and also a good teaching moment for the range as well. The ponytail is even a more dangerous concern since I have seen the result of long hair get caught and it is not pretty what happens to scalp.

They grow up so dang fast keep so her involved with everything you do. My son and I hunt a lot together and it is something I cherish every time. I have 2 granddaughters that are still young but one is old enough to shoot her bow with princess tiara on head, snow white dress on and pink clogs. I can't wait to be in woods with them!
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