must be finnaly learning something


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2011
Prince George B.C.
I apparently have been paying attention:) Went out this afternoon for some playtime and here were the results, only 200 yards but thats as far as this range goes. Both pics are of the same group but from different angles. 6 shots, 200 yards, 358 Norma mag, 225 grn gameking, 75 grns IMR 4350, fed 215m primer. Not long range yet but a pretty good start I think


  • 200yrd 6 shot1.jpg
    200yrd 6 shot1.jpg
    86.8 KB · Views: 99
  • 200yrds 6 shot2.jpg
    200yrds 6 shot2.jpg
    121.6 KB · Views: 125
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