More Cloud Peak Gunworks Handi-work!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2010
Central WY
Just picked up my new 6.5-06AI yesterday and she looks great!! I have actually had the rifle for a couple of weeks but went over yesterday to paint the stock and Cerakote it. What started out in my mind as Brown stock and OD greed cerakote ended up like this. We started mixing paint for the stock and after some of this and some of that this color appeared. It was not what I had in mind when I walked in there but I was sold on it after the mixing was done. The stock was followed up with Cloud Peak Gunworks "charcoal" Cerakote. The rifle specs are:
Pierce action
27" 3 groove Pacnor #4 Fluted
McMillan A-3 Sporter with Edge Package
Talley LW Rings
Leupold 6.5-20x40 LR
Can't wait to get her out and see how good she shoots. I have no doubts she will be another tack driver. The bonus is it weighs 8lb 4 0z


Very nice! What twist and what bullet do you intend to use.
I am quite interested in how it shoots as I am working on building one on a pre-64 m70 action. Haven't decided on a barrel yet. Is there a particular reason you chose the 3 groove. Cliff
It's an 8 twist and I plan on shooting 140 JLK VLD's out of it. This is the third 6.5-06AI I have had. The first one was a pac-nor 5 groove and out of a 26 1/2" barrel my velocity was about 3050. The second one I had was on a 25" Broughton and my pet load shot at 3010. My dad has a Pac-nor 3 groove with a 25" tube and he shoots my pet load at 3090. I am thinking the 3 grooves just shoot faster. I went with 27" because there is a good node around 3160 but to get it on my other rifles it was just too hard on brass. I should be able to get there with my standard load with a 27" barrel. I still have the other two and they still shoot great, I am just a 6.5-06AI fanatic and hopefully my OCD will subside and this one will be my last!! Good luck with your Build, let me know if you need any load info
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