Montour County Rifles FAST turn around

Kevin Cram

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2004
Danville, PA
I'm at a point in my 15 year career I've never been at before. I'm caught up with my work load that my turn around times are faster than ever before. Not that I have nothing to do but I have over 2 dozen barrels on order that I can't do anything until they show up and 15 barreled actions that are done just waiting on stocks.
If you need a barrel chambered, muzzle brake installed, stock bedded etc. and you have the components in hand, I'm only a couple weeks at most to turn projects around right now.
Who knows how long this will last. So first come first serve. E-mail me at [email protected] for a quote.

Yes, I have ( 2 ) 22-250 Ackley Imp. reamers.

#1 .22-250 Ackley Imp. / .254 neck / .075 throat length
#2 .22-250 Ackley Imp. / .250 neck / .060 throat length
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