Monte Carlo cheekpiece or not?? Which to get?

Feb 20, 2013
I'm going to order me a stock for my new build, but I'm stumped. I've never had a stock with a raised cheekpiece, and was wondering how one would affect my shooting? I like both the McMillan hunter, and also the McMillan rem sporter. How do I know which one i will need?

I've heard the scope matters, and I plan on running a vortex viper 4-16x44 in Med or high rings.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Most of my rifles are standard cheek weld....But I have a few with Monte Carlo style stocks, and I like them as well. You just need to go to your local gun store and try out one to see if you're gonna like it. That's about the only way to know for sure.
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