Montana Rifle 300 Win Mag


New Member
Sep 8, 2020
I'm working on dialing in some long range loads for a Montana Rifle Company 300 Win Mag. It's been a challenge to find the right combination for the loads, and one thing that seems really odd to me is the amount of freebore on this gun. The difference between having the bullet up against the rifling, and what will feed through the action is about 3/8". I've never worked with this much freebore before and am wondering if this might be the culprit for inconsistent velocities. Anyone have any experience or advice? Thanks, much appreciated!
Ran into these problems back in the day all the time with stock 700 senderos and such that just have insane long throat. It's awesome to be able to seat bullets way out but more times than not when running adl or bdl setups it renders them a single shot. I started running 215 hybrids and found them to really help me out tuning a load down as they don't mind some jump unlike some other bullets that are super jump sensitive. What powder bullet combo are u running now? I have never really found that seating them out has gave me velocity anomaly unless seating way to far out.
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