Montana Non Resident Deer Tags


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2010
I heard that Montana is uping the cost of a non resident tag deer tag to 500 dollars. Does anyone know if they will also issue more non resident deer tag? Happy New Yr.
I heard that Montana is uping the cost of a non resident tag deer tag to 500 dollars. Does anyone know if they will also issue more non resident deer tag? Happy New Yr.

nothing cast in stone yet. Montana voters foolishly passed the legislation that got rid of outfitter sponsored tags, so the FWP has no idea what to charge residents and non-residents, but rest assured, it will be MUCH higher.
The total number will remain the same but there will be not special guaranteed outfitter tags so everyone from out of state will be in the same pool, I forget what the cost will go up to, it is laid out clearly in the legislation, still not bad considering other Western states. Something had to give in MT, the outfitter situation in some areas are flat ridiculous and they are doing as much or more damage than the wolves!!
Thanks for the info guys. Big green if they do away with the outfitter tags will those that were alloted for them go into the general pool? Do you know if they are still going to have the Landowner sponsor? Last tme I checked it was about a 30 % chance of drawing a non res. tag. Good luck and thanks again
I haven't looked at what is going on for a few months so I really need to get back at it to find the details. From what I know the outfitter sponsored tags will roll over into one general draw, so same number of tags just no guaranteed tags. Just like the resident tags! I haven't looked into what if any changes were made with the landowner tags so not sure there.
bigngreen you are an idiot by getting rid of outfitter tags did nothing but raise tag prices for all and it will put a lot of hard working people and small town businesses and dam good outfitters out of business in montana and if you think it will give hunters more tags your nuts or open privet property for hunting
bigngreen you are an idiot by getting rid of outfitter tags did nothing but raise tag prices for all and it will put a lot of hard working people and small town businesses and dam good outfitters out of business in montana and if you think it will give hunters more tags your nuts or open privet property for hunting

Smooth dude!!! Actually my wife and several family work for outfitters, I spend quite a bit of time with outfitters, I was going back and forth on it till in a conversation about it they said they could careless, they do a good business and get clients based on a solid reputation. The only outfitters that I know of that were freaking out about it was the exact ones that need to go under, they use guaranteed tags to rape an area with no management in mind, selling the tags of with no intentions of guiding the hunters creating a free for all for anyone who can meet their price! This will benefit the out of state hunters as well, now the outfitters that are doing good work will prosper making your hunts higher quality, the losers will sell of to people who are willing to do the work to make a successful go of it which will actually boost the local economy.
Smooth dude!!! Actually my wife and several family work for outfitters, I spend quite a bit of time with outfitters, I was going back and forth on it till in a conversation about it they said they could careless, they do a good business and get clients based on a solid reputation. The only outfitters that I know of that were freaking out about it was the exact ones that need to go under, they use guaranteed tags to rape an area with no management in mind, selling the tags of with no intentions of guiding the hunters creating a free for all for anyone who can meet their price! This will benefit the out of state hunters as well, now the outfitters that are doing good work will prosper making your hunts higher quality, the losers will sell of to people who are willing to do the work to make a successful go of it which will actually boost the local economy.

how did guaranteed tags "rape" an area, when tags were allotted based on client numbers and land under lease or ownership ? If you in FACT knew of game and/or client violations, you should have reported them. But, i suspect more "i heard from a gut, who heard from a guy" than actual knowledge.

Montana messed up when we passed this law.
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I think it was a mistake too. Paying for a ranch is tough and renting hunting to outfitters is a valuable income to many. Plus I have a few close friends that guide for winter income. I have talked to a few ranchers around here that use to let people in to shoot cows in the later part of the season for free. They say now everyone pays to hunt everything, even birds, yotes, and gophers. They are upset about this and the blame is being cast on local hunters that voted for it. I dont see where the thought this was going to open more private land for hunting. I only know a few that would try the block management. If you want to see rape and pillage of game around here, come watch some of the block management areas durring big game season.


that right it was stupid people that had no idea what they were doing all they did was make it harder for hunter to pay for tags and harder to find land to hunt on and as of the outfitters there will be some very go ones that close because of there area they have not every outfitter has privet land to hunt the guys that hunt the national forest will have a hard time and the small town in those areas make most of there money during hunting season from the outfitters clients all it did was make it all harder and bigngreen the outfitters that you know that are not worried will be when only half of there clients draw and they have no tags for the rest
Everone should have a equal shot at tags its a fairness issue...... By the way I have always felt there is more of an acess issue than a game issue. When only wealthy people can hunt the end of hunting will come.
Practically only wealthy people can hunt now. To me the guaranteed tags were bs too. I know of one outfitter that shoots 43+ bulls a year, and if they see a deer the dude wants they shoot it and can tag it later because he is alotted a bunch of tags. That is flat wrong. The reason more and more ranchers are charging has nothing to do with guaranteed tags and everything to do with "well if someone wants to hunt "my" land they have to pay". Ranchers did not use to feel like they owned the game but they do now.
To be honest I hope the prices go up. Less hunting pressure because less can afford to hunt or think its a rip off(then check other states fees!) Nothing made me happier than to take a nice bull this last year on public land and to know that I didnt get it from an outfitter.
Ten years from now you will not be able to kill anything on public land and only the outfitters will on their high dollar fenced in ranches. Far as Im concerned getting rid of the guaranteed tags will help things for a while. Outfitters in montana is like bars in mt. Their on every st corner.
Oh and if the same number of out of state tags remains then the same hunters are going to come to the small towns and spend their money in the stores, gas stations, motels, etc
I agree with you on the tags. I have never used an outfitter and just FYI been hunting in CO on a DIY hunting with friends & brother. I have ran in to people in the woods hunting who were with outfitter and asked how we got there and I said I walked some times as far 8 miles from trail head most time less to just a couple miles & what I have learned is some outfitters bring in customers in from a dirrerent trail head just to give there clients the impression of being way back in the sticks..... All have told me it was a waste of money when thay learned thay were 2 to 3 miles from a road & were unhappy with the outifitter for that reason and not takeing shot game out on time for spoilage reason. I some day will use a outiffiter because I want to go to alaska Caribou huntng the hard part is who to use & to be trusted.
Practically only wealthy people can hunt now. To me the guaranteed tags were bs too. I know of one outfitter that shoots 43+ bulls a year, and if they see a deer the dude wants they shoot it and can tag it later because he is alotted a bunch of tags. That is flat wrong. The reason more and more ranchers are charging has nothing to do with guaranteed tags and everything to do with "well if someone wants to hunt "my" land they have to pay". Ranchers did not use to feel like they owned the game but they do now.
To be honest I hope the prices go up. Less hunting pressure because less can afford to hunt or think its a rip off(then check other states fees!) Nothing made me happier than to take a nice bull this last year on public land and to know that I didnt get it from an outfitter.
Ten years from now you will not be able to kill anything on public land and only the outfitters will on their high dollar fenced in ranches. Far as Im concerned getting rid of the guaranteed tags will help things for a while. Outfitters in montana is like bars in mt. Their on every st corner.
Oh and if the same number of out of state tags remains then the same hunters are going to come to the small towns and spend their money in the stores, gas stations, motels, etc

gotta call "BS" on the part about shooting a deer and tagging it later, is and always has been illegal in montana. If you have PROOF of this, call tipmont. And, landowners see outfitter lease as a "cash crop", not as owning the game on it, they lease the ground, not the game animal.
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