Bob, no doubt you make an excellant point and back in the day used to think along those lines as well. Let me just give you an example of what this arrow combo has done for me so far with this bow. Now I am typically not one to bragg but this past winter on a spot and stalk hunt at Wild Hill Preserves in Farely Vermont, I was able to take down a 328 lb wild Russian bore which are a 98% pure strain from Russia, at a distance of 35 yards with a complete pass through just behind the shoulder plate. He ran about 40 yards then hit the ground and flopped and kicked a bit. I'd say it took him at the most 10 minutes to expire. They are one tough critter but that Teken is a super strong broad head. Before that in my home State last season, I also took a 173 lb "dress weight" main bean eight pointer, from a 21' ladder stand at 38 yards which knock him to the dirt after taking the arrow. Again another complete pass through because of the well placed shot just behind the shoulder that did in fact sever the back part of the heart. Reason for the good shot placement is because I have bow hunted for well over 25 years and you can usually find me taking part in as many local 3D shoots as I can. So I prefer the speed & accuracy that the lighter setup offers but again I do agree the heavier arrow and broad head combo would provide deeper penatration and would make the differance on a bad shot placement.
Not that it matters much to anyone other than me but this set-up was put together by one of the leading bow shops here in the North East that I have been dealing with for many years. This set-up fits the bow like a glove and I have no complaints.