Model 7 mag issues


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2007
I had a M7 chambered for 7SAUM from 308 last year, the smith put a flat follower and different box in it and it wouldn't hold any shells so I put the 308 follower and box back in with the bent in sides at the top of the bow straightened out it will hold one and sometimes 2 shells in when I open the bolt. It hasn't worried me until now as I have been single feeding it but want to do some stalking soon aswell. Can anyone tell me how to get it to hold shells?, I have read on here about a single stack mag, will this fix it? how do I do it or where to buy the gear from?.
Thanks for any help.
I had a M7 chambered for 7SAUM from 308 last year, the smith put a flat follower and different box in it and it wouldn't hold any shells so I put the 308 follower and box back in with the bent in sides at the top of the bow straightened out it will hold one and sometimes 2 shells in when I open the bolt. It hasn't worried me until now as I have been single feeding it but want to do some stalking soon aswell. Can anyone tell me how to get it to hold shells?, I have read on here about a single stack mag, will this fix it? how do I do it or where to buy the gear from?.
Thanks for any help.

If the box the smith installed was a center feed box it is the right one and can be bent in to
hold the loaded rounds if not I recomend a center feed mag box from wyatts.

The flat follower is the right one for the center feed box.

A staggered magazine does not work very well with the short fat cases because you have to
work the rails and this is very tricky. but the box can be bent in and out until it works perfectly

Also the center feed is lined up in the beginning and does little or no damage to the front
of the bullet.

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