mod 70 win in 300wby recamber


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2011
so i have a mod 70 ss classic in 300wby it shots sub 1/2 in groups. i was thinking of turning it into a 300rum or a rebarrel to 338 edge which is the better choose. i what high speed hyper volocity knock down with barnes or nosler bullets at long range.
its just something new i have a couple other custom 300wby and need a new toy to play with.i get real board since i become disabled. the shot from the road permit makes it easy to carry and i get to send the kids or hunting partners after it when it is dead. but leaves me with alot of time on my hands.
I'd rebarrel to 338 edge gun)

If those are your two choices then I agree with this. Rebarreling to .300 RUM would be a moot point compared to whatcha got already, unless weatherby brass is as expensive as I would imagine it to be.
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