I am originally from Lawson, MO, just North East of K.C. but I was stationed at Whiteman AFB, MO for the last two years. Whiteman is located in central, west/central (if that makes since) near Warrensburg, MO. We had ground hogs all over on the A. F. base. We had no predators either, but I do recall seeing some out in the fields along 50 highway. They get pretty big. I noticed that they liked to hang around creeks quite a bit. They would venture out into fields to eat and if any sign of danger was present, they would run back to their holes near the creek. As for New Mexico, I was stationed there for 4 years at Alamogordo, N.M. You should try hunting rabbits, coyotes or the dessert goats that hang around in the mountains. It might have changed since I have been gone, but you didn't need a tag to hunt any of these animals. One more thing for your hunting pleasure, the wild hogs. These hogs are hard to hunt but they are there, up in the mountains just tearing things up. No specific tag or season for them as well (check local regulations, it might have changed). I hope you all have a good time hunting and good luck in whatever you decide to do.