Minnesota Gunsmiths


Active Member
Jan 10, 2017
Looking for gunsmith reviews in the Central MN area. Any suggestions? Id like to hear about good smiths and the ones to avoid. Also, let me know if they specialize in or prefer certain types of work.

Little crow gunworks in Spicer. Dale seems to know a few things about gunsmithing. I had him chamber a 22-250ai for me. I shot a 3 shot group just over 3/4" at 500yrds with it. I don't know if hes really specialized in anything.
what kind of work are you looking to get done? E Arthur Brown has done some work for me (located just north of Alexandria). little crow i hear good things about, but never been there. there is also a gunsmith/shop near the gopher gun club..drawing a blank on the name, but again heard they do good work as well
Looking to have three rifles fitted with Badger DBM and triggers. They are Agency owned Rem 700 rifles. Need gunsmith to be a business and not someone doing it out if his home as a hobby. Not saying the garage gunsmith is no good, just covering things legally.

And who knows when I'll need a smith in the future. When I retire I'll no longer have a need for a heavy "tactical" rifle. Probably look into having a light weight hunting rifle built!
Henkes is a good one. I had him fit and glass bed a stock on a Remington 700 last spring. If you want his number I can send it to you. Does good work and turned it around fast for me he is by ten mile lake. And there is a 600 yard range about a mile from his shop.
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