Midway USA


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2012
I just finished a conversation with Midway USA. I wanted to place a large order for Berger .338- 300 OTMs (1000) and they will not make sure they are the same lot. Ordering the 250 Boxes, there will only be 4 pcs to check and they are listed nice an noticeable on the front of the boxes. They have 35 units of the 250 boxes, so it shouldn't be a problem. I could end up with several lots, defeating the purpose of buying a large lot. I don't think it would be hard to train a parts puller to grab the same lot for individual orders.
Disappointing to say the least, I guess I will go elsewhere.
Well, if they do it for one person, then they have to do it for everybody. With 35 units, no doubt there are 4 of the same lot but now the picker has to stop and read the box which, if he had to do that for say, 40% of his bullet orders, well, that would affect service. Also, if there were 7 units instead of 35 and they were unable to fill the order based upon the same lot request, then they would either stop the order until they contacted you or short/cancel the order. Doable for a mom and pop but not to swift when your set up to be efficient for a volume of business.

Sometimes policies make sense. There's probably numerous vendors just waiting for your phone call who will happily provide that level of attention but a guy can't blame Midway for avoiding what they're not good at, or set up to do.
I hear ya, I've spent tons of money over the years with them. As they have grown, lots of things have changed. Just disappointed......
I'm not sure Midway "picks" orders like you're thinking. Some of it I think is automated so getting identical lot numbers would be luck of the draw. I could be wrong though, wouldn't be the first time.
I'm not sure Midway "picks" orders like you're thinking. Some of it I think is automated so getting identical lot numbers would be luck of the draw. I could be wrong though, wouldn't be the first time.

I wondered about that. Just a guy with an oil can to keep it all running!
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