Maybe you can help...

Bravo 4

Well-Known Member
LRH Sponsor
Jul 20, 2007
The South
Several months ago I ordered a palmIIIxe off of ebay and had it, and my new exbal program, sent to Iraq. It took over a month for me to get it and it didn't have a cradle. So, I ordered myself ebay. The guy sent me the wrong one of course, after waiting about another month to get it. So of course I just waited a couple more months and got home to get another one-had to be from an online store because they are pretty much obsolete. I ordered the cradle and a cable just in case. I get it in last Friday and what do you know...the old serials and new ones are different, so I needed an adapter. I seem to have found the only one in central Arkansas. I get everything downloaded and guess what... nothing. The palm and pc won't sync. I have been on the phone and internet with PALM customer support all freaking day and they keep having me un-install everything and re-install, shut down & reboot and everything. They finally said that maybe the adapter is bad, so I ordered another one. Has anybody else had this problem, and if so what am I doing wrong? I am about to freaking give the **** thing away!!! My $100 investment is costing me a small fortune and has cost me 100 man hours. Suggestions...
No guarantees but I'll snoop around my stuff. I have a Hand Spring Palm OS pda and cradle around here some where. I keep seeing the pieces when I'm looking for something else.:rolleyes:

If I can find the CD I'll get it all together and see if it still works. Bug me via PM to kind of prod my memory, ok.

Like I said, no promises but I'll give it a go.

Bravo 4, I had the same problem. I couldn't get my computer to Syn with my Palm on my work computer. It worked fine at home. I never figured out why though.

Just a thought.
Thanks Roy, if it works let me know what you want for it.

If I get it rounded up, and if it works, there's no charge. I'll even pay the postage.

I heard of one of you guys that just came back winning the lottery. It wasn't you.:rolleyes: This would be a **** poor substitute but at least it would be something.:D
Man if I got this thing working I would feel like "I" won the lottery. Thanks for the offer and thanks ALOT if it works.

I also asked them if I should try it on another computer and they said it wouldn't matter. If I had any patience left I might try it...maybe my wife can do it.
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