Mauser m18 hammer forged barrel


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
Any one have any experience with the Mauser M18 rifle in any caliber with this system how does a hammer forged barrel compare to cut rifle or button rifle barrel? Thoughts on purchasing one to have it rebarelled possibly how about an aftermarket stock are they available? Any experience good or bad please advise. Thanks Tribb
Don't think there are too many options for a aftermarket stock...I don't think they can be rebarreled like a 700 clone or savage...the 2 m18 I have shot...shot very well..
Don't be fooled by the fact that they are inexpensive they shoot great right out of the box.
I have a 6.5 PRC. 1/2 moa w/factory ammo. Stock is comfortable and trigger great. Just buy it and use it !
Other than a few minor cosmetic differences the Mauser M18 and the Sauer 100 are the same rifle. Sauer, Mauser and Blaser barrels are all made in the same factory and they tend to be very accurate. Unlike the Mauser 12 and Sauer 101 the barrels on the M18 and 100 can be replaced.
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