Magazine button problems

Post some pictures just so we know what all "came out" and can give you some better input on how to fix it. I could make some guesses about what came out and tell you how to fix it but may not be what you have going on. But yes I do believe if it's what I'm thinking it will be a fairly easy fix.
I figured that the glue got old and turned loose.


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I figured that the glue got old and turned loose.
That's what I was thinking but wanted to be sure before giving you my .02 cents. Is the spring still contained in the insert/button?If so what I would do is drop the mag out, sand off any glue residue on the stock and remove any on the metal insert. Get a set of soft sided (rubber) clamps and put some good glue on the wood and set the metal insert in place. Remove any excess glue that pushes out immediately on the inside and out. Then using the rubber clamp, you may have to come up with a shim to keep tension on the insert, and clamp it down and let it set for the appropriate cure time.
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