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For Sale LRI 6.5 Creedmoor


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2008
I bought this rifle last summer from a local friend. It's a fantastic rifle, wouldn't expect anything less from LRI. I took it out for one range trip and it's been in the safe since, round count is under 50 total. Trying to clear some funds for other toys/projects and I have two other 6.5's right now. Details are in the screenshot below when he listed it on snipershide. I have since added a triggertech primary trigger and a B&T picatinny rail. Will ship with the original thread protector and one mag. scope/rings and bipod are not included. I can send more pictures as needed. I am asking $2250 shipped to your FFL. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Thanks for looking!
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