Looking for small rust spot fixes?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2019
Frankfort, NY
My father was an avid hunter, reloader and target shooter. He suffered from health issues till he passed away 3yrs ago. He had quite a gun collection that I slowly been bringing home from my mothers. There are everything from Sendero's, Custom Shop .458 Safari's to custom built 378 Weatherby mags. Some of the stragglers that I recently come across have some small rust pitting with the largest being about the size of a pencil eraser. I read an article somewhere that there was a product that would take the rust off and leave the bluing alone. I can't remember the name or where I saw it. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, a shout out would be greatly appreciated! Thank you
I can't help with the name of the product you are looking for but if I were removing the rust I would use a piece of 0000 steel wool and oil.
I understand the rust would ruin the bluing under the rust. But will the steel wool ruin the bluing around the rust? I don't want to have a large spot where I would have to re-blue the whole gun.
Try some Clove Oil first. Put it on and let it sit for a couple days. Then use the shaft of a q-tip and a tooth pick to loosen the rust.
This is what I found. It's called Big 45 Frontier Metal Cleaner. It looks like a steel wool but says it won't ruin bluing. Has anyone tried it and if so how did it work for you?
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