Looking for Nice Scope Setup for my Remington Mil Spec R5 (308)


Active Member
Dec 13, 2008
SW FL (For Now)
I finally found a like new Mil Spec R5 locally and just recently purchased it.

It came with a Simmons 4.5x14x40 WA 40 Scope installed with 2 piece base. It looks like a nice scope and has many variable adjustments but I prefer a higher quality scope for this rifle.

I'm looking for recommendations/suggestions, for tried and true combinations, for this specific rifle. After buying this rifle my funds are a bit stretched but I have a few other firearms I can sell and raise some additional funds. Would like to stay in the $500-800.00 range though.

I want to shoot some long range stuff but I'm sure everything will be under 1000 yards.gun)

In my research, looks like I'll be lookikng at something in a 20 moa single base mount with a Nikon Monarch or Leupold MK-3 around 6-20x50 Scope. I'm comfortable with the lifetime warranty offers on each of these brands and the best prices I could find seem to be in my price range.

Does anyone here have the same R-5 Rifle already set up? If so, I'm open to suggestions and at the same time looking to see what might be available in the like new used market.

So, what scope, mounts, and rings work best for this setup?

Thanks in advance,

BigMike - SW FL
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