Looking for a smith in northwest Ohio / northeastern Indiana

Thanks Sidecar, Lansing is quite a drive but if Pierce is good it will be worth the drive.

It's a drive for me too (I'm just north of Toledo) so it's 2 hours from here.

You'll find threads on here about Pierce if you do a search.

They are building me a custom LR rifle at the present time as well as doing a build for a friend/hunting partner that lives over by Napoleon, Ohio. Very knowledgable and accomdfating folks.

I like no BS people that shoot straight (not only rifles but work wise).

Pierce is big into F Class.
I find straight forward = knowledge and experience. If you have to sale something it 100% right.

Napoleon is north of me about half hour. Thanks for your help.

Hangunnr, I have heard of Penrod. I used to frequent North Manchester monthly. Thank you as well!
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