I think I might know what is causing the copper deposition you experienced.
If you have any 68/130 Wildcats around, when you get some time, measure the OD of some of them. I measured the 68s some time ago and measured the 130s this morning, they are both .309 on my equipment. If this is the case with yours, what do you think??
Is it possible the "robust" OD is contributing to the copper deposition?? It would make sense to me.
And with that startling discovery, I am wondering just how good my spray moly will stand up to those forces. I don't think it will. I think I will have to pound the stuff into the jacket so it will hold.
Hey, wait a second. I thought I read something about someone using Lyman moly etc., and they said it worked without filling up the cavity. I'll have to look for that information. It was around here somewhere..... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Thanks for the tip!!!!!!!