long range bullets for 338 win mag


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2003
Madison ,ga
I have used the 338 win mag for hunting the last 31 years for mostly deer and bears .I have made some 300-400 yard shots with Winchester 200 grain power points which are super accurate in my gun but not really long range bullets .I have some 250 serria match bt bullets but they have to be seated very deeply .I also loaded some 250 grain regular serria bt bullets .I have reloader 17 ,19,22 .I tried hornady bullets but my rifle hates them so does my 338-378 Weatherby.I am thinking a 225 grain bt might be the best grain because its not so long .Do any of yall have favorite long range loads for 338 win mag ?
My first elk rifle was also a 338 win mag, and my favorite bullet was the 225 Accubond.

I've piled up a lot of elk with that combo.
I used 225 grain Speer grand slam in Alaska buy I switched to 338-378 up there because its so open .I have ten boxes of 210 nosler partitions buy they zip through deer .Here in the Easter states it might be A 3 yard or 400 yard shot .I have not tried accubongs yet .Those 225 grain Speer grand slam bullets shot 3/4 at 200 yards in my rifle but they quit making them .I can tell bullets open up better far off in the 338 they get resistance then.
Another bullet to consider is the 210 TTSX, but the lower BC limits it to sub 700 yards in a win mag and terminal expansion is less than ideal beyond 400. Although I have killed elk out to 630 yards with this bullet.
My favorite weight for my 338 WM is 225 Gr. I have used Sierra, Speer and Hornady bullets over the years. My Moose and Elk go to bullet is Nosler 225 gr. Partition.
My powder of choice is IMR 4350 I have tried H4831 and IMR 4831 could not get enough slow powder in the case to get good velocity. A load for Reloader 17 may be the best of the powders you have.

Most Ballistic Charts list it hitting with more energy than the 375 HH 270 Gr. at 200 Yds.
416, different rifle barrels will like different loads and bullets. There is no universal load for a caliber, but some combos shoot well in most. However, my best accuracy was with 225 Partitions and H1000. Great out to 500 yds. Tried other bullets but this rifle liked the Partition and the 340Wby performed best with the Bergers. Note: the Partition is deadly on elk and large muleys. Good luck
I'm shooting Cutting Edge D62 225gr at 2920fps. .640BC makes my 338 Winny capable to 1000. They are expensive though. I bought a bunch at discount when they updated them a couple years ago. R17 powder, work up slowly and watch your temps.
If your 338 is something with a long mag box, like a Remington 700, try the Berger 250's and RL-26. You might be surprised at what this combo can do.

The CE 225's are actually a bit longer than the Berger 250's, so they have to be seated long also, but they can still be an excellent choice, as other LRH members have demonstrated.

If you don't have a lot of mag length to work with, the CE 200's are worth a look. Their loaded length should come out very near 3.340" and you should be able to push them around 3150 from a 26" barrel with RL-17.
I have a ruger model 77 tang safety 338 win mag actually I have 6 338 win mag rifles four tang safety 77 and a stainless mark II 338 and a Winchester stainless with a boss .The Ruger stainless is the most accurate .I shot that 3/4 inch group at 200 yards with Remington 225 grain which were Speer grand slam.bullets .They clocked 2850 in my gun .I have 210 nosler partitions but they zipped through deer up close and I still have ten and a half boxes of ammo in that .The 225 grain nosler acubond might work my magazine might be short for it .I like reloader 15 but its not accurate in my 338 and I have shot clover leafs with 200 grain power points Winchesters with this gun .All my 338s hate hornady bullets shoot them all over the place my 338-378s do the same thing .Hopefully I luck up on a awesome load .I am thinking of putting a boss system on my stainless 338 we will see .It kicks less than any other of all my 338s because it has a laminated stock and is heavier and is super accurate with alot of factory ammo except not hornady .I just want to load some accurate ones myself .Guess we will see .
I got 200 225 grain nosler partitions and 200 225 grain nosler accubonds .I want to try the accubonds on deer first .I had 210 grain.partitions zip through deer up close no expansion I guess or too fast straight under my tree.I wanted some more Winchester 200 grain power points for deer but no.luck finding any except ones from 1960s I.had .Hope these accubonds work good on.deer up close and far away .What's a good load for reloader 17,19,or 22 hope one of them works .I wanted imr 4350 couldn't find any around here !
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