Long range BR or F class in Cody Wy


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
Cottonwood California
I am wondering if anyone can tell me if there are any long range 600 or 1000 yard benchrest or F class matches in Cody Wy? I am moving there and would like to continue shooting long range. Thank you, Ron Tilley
Would be interested in this as well. Most of my family is in Cheyenne and I am looking for some competitions in the state.
Yes Cody has the capabilities for almost long range. I live eighty miles away and have shot there several times. They run NRA High Power matches and the state Long Range Championship was held there this year. the championship match was a two day affair and was held at 600,800, and 900 yards. No benchrest but f-Class yes. Worland and Lander have the only true 1000 yd ranges in the state.
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