LimbSaver® Barrel De-Resonator


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2003
Has anyone tried this? Wondering if you can tell a difference with it. Been seeing it alot recently on different hunting shows.
Has anyone tried this? Wondering if you can tell a difference with it. Been seeing it alot recently on different hunting shows.

Hi Trent,

Yes I got one, and WORKS.
After I switch on reloading I removed the LimbSaver Barrel De-resonator, because I found is NO SENSE TO USE IT together with the special powder.

Ex: When you tune-up your load you tried to find the sweet spot of your barrel where you can get the best of it.
The same thing is doing the Barrel De-Resonator, but with factory ammo.

Hi Trent,

Yes I got one, and WORKS.
After I switch on reloading I removed the LimbSaver Barrel De-resonator, because I found is NO SENSE TO USE IT together with the special powder.

Ex: When you tune-up your load you tried to find the sweet spot of your barrel where you can get the best of it.
The same thing is doing the Barrel De-Resonator, but with factory ammo.


I find all this kind of barrel tuning stuff to be hokey. Even them things with all the holes in the end of the barrel. I just don't buy it. Sort of goes along with the 'we stiffen barrels by removing metal' cuts they make.
Barrel tuners

Hi i have tested the first model on my 7mm rem SAUM on a model7 the rifle was stock no bedding or other modifications besides the triger lightened a small amount. The rifle was shooting around 1 1/8" 5 shot groups at 100 yards then with the tuner near the stock it did not help probably because of the heavy upward pressure the factory plastic stock on the model7 stainless synthetic has. then i moved the barrel deresornator out 1/2" from the muzzle and the groups shrank to 3/8" with no other changes these things do work and this was with a good handload. I have a barrel tuner i have designed that i use on all of my target barrels yes you can tune your loads to the barrel but the best thing you can do is find a load that is up at a safe velocity that you are happy with then tune the barrel to that if you are on the upper level of the velocity range their is only 1 way to go and that is to reduce the powder charge if the higher load has single diget ES and SD's i dont think changing to a lower density load is better you can start chasing your tail. With the barrel tuner you can force the barrel to shoot at the load that you want to use not what the barrel wants you to. This is a real advantage in F Class shooting as i dont have to load down 100+fps lower than the cartrige is safly capable off just becase of barrel vibrations. They will not make a shot out barrel or very bad barrel into a match barrel but they do absorb the barrel vibrations and stop any harsh shifts in the ossilations of the barrel and also help when the barrel gets hot. I am now using the large Bull Barrel model on my target rifles with the barrel tuner aswel as the deresornator helps absorb the vibrations and i can still tune the barrel to ist sweet spot my 284 Win and 6mm Dasher both shoot 1/2" 5 shot groups at 300 yards if i do my part.

Cheers Bill
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I have also had very good luck with the bull barrel model on my Sendero 7RM. In this case, it shoots best with the desresnator within 1" of the stock. The gun shoots 2" groups at 600 yards.
I have also had very good luck with the bull barrel model on my Sendero 7RM. In this case, it shoots best with the desresnator within 1" of the stock. The gun shoots 2" groups at 600 yards.

Cool, I only hope I can do the same with my Mod 70 at 600. If I get a marginally good group I may try the dunkin donut just so see if it really does work.
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